

Become part of the circle sharing inspiration for spinning and other fibre crafting. It is a warm and reassuring place, sort of like a favourite chair near a cosy fireside, where beginners and experts come and go as they please. It's a place to share what we know, learn from each other and display what we've created -- while supporting and inspiring each other on the wonderful journey associated with handspinning and wool-related crafts.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Kelly's January Woolly Wednesday - spinning Lleyn and experimenting with Koolaid

Once again, I am late linking up this month - slowly getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas season!
I have continued to work my way through spinning up the whole Lleyn fleeces.
Although I also took a short break from it just after Christmas and spun up some Bluefaced Leicester wool tops.  I spun it up chunky and then had some fun experimenting dyeing with Koolaid using the immersion method.  I wanted to try and achieve multi-coloured skeins
Here are the results. 
 I am happy with the results which look better than in the pictures.  The greenish one is my attempt at a camouflage yarn for my boy who loves camouflage.  It actually worked out well with light green and beige hues.  The brownish is purple/red/brown/orange colours, very autumnal. I have only ever experimented with natural dyeing so it was interesting to me how quick Koolaid is absorbed into the wool.  I found this site really informative and thorough and I bought my Koolaid UK source from here.
I have also been enjoying this little book which I received as a gift.  It is 'British Sheep and Wool' published by the British Wool Marketing Board.  It covers the history to British Wool, the role of the Wool Board and the various breeds and wool types of sheep throughout Britain. My children and I have enjoyed admiring all the stunning scenic shots featuring all the different British sheep breeds.  A lovely gem of a book!
 And now back to spinning up the Lleyn!  Happy New Year everyone!
Apologies for being late in linking up!